Thysanoptera of Japan


Thrips spiranthicola Masumoto, Tsutsumi & Okajima, 2023

和名: - 

本種は本州~九州に分布し、ネジバナの花に見られる。T. palmi ミナミキイロアザミウマやThrips alniに似るが、前胸背板上の刺毛がやや短いこと、オス腹部第3~7腹板が他の2種に比べかなり大きいことで識別できる。

This species is widely distributed in Honshu to Kyushu, Japan and occurs on the flowers of Spiranthes sinensis var. amoena. It is very similar to T. palmi and T. alni but it can be distinguished from the latter two species by the pronotum with discal setae shorter and male sternites III-VII each with a pore plates much larger than the latter two species.

  • Female




    Female head and thorax, slid-mouted specimen

    Habitat:Spiranthes sinensis ネジバナ花